
Taking Charge of My Health

Looking back…
In 2011 I was diagnosed with fibroids. This started me down a road where I systematically lost/gave up control of my health. It was slow and gradual and by the time I fully understood the significance of what my body was telling me, things had hit rock bottom.  I had undergone a surgery without understanding the true consequences because doctors told me it would make things better. It did not. (More on that later…)

Over the last few years, the biggest thing that I have learned is that I need to always be my own advocate, trust my gut feeling, research, research and then research some more and above all, be kind and patient with myself.

Where I’m at…
I am taking charge of my health and starting the real recovery process. I do not have all the answers and I do not know where my journey will lead, but I am at the point where I know the general direction I need to be moving in. Based on what I have been doing and the results I have seen the last few weeks, I feel confident that I will feel better.

This blog is a journal about my journey to recovery and living a healthy lifestyle. I am not a doctor and will not be dispensing medical advice to anyone at any point in this blog. These are the things that are working for me and it is my hope that this blog will inspire someone to take charge of their physical, mental and spiritual health.

The Journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.
Lao Tzu.

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